
ivy.deg2rad(x, /, *, out=None)[source]#

Convert the input from degrees to radians.

  • x (Union[Array, NativeArray]) – input array whose elements are each expressed in degrees.

  • out (Optional[Array], default: None) – optional output array, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to.

Return type:



ret – an array with each element in x converted from degrees to radians.


With ivy.Array input:

>>> x=ivy.array([0,90,180,270,360], dtype=ivy.float32)
>>> y=ivy.deg2rad(x)
>>> print(y)
ivy.array([0., 1.57079633, 3.14159265, 4.71238898, 6.28318531])
>>> x=ivy.array([0,-1.5,-50,ivy.nan])
>>> y=ivy.zeros(4)
>>> ivy.deg2rad(x,out=y)
>>> print(y)
ivy.array([ 0., -0.02617994, -0.87266463, nan])
>>> x = ivy.array([[1.1, 2.2, 3.3],[-4.4, -5.5, -6.6]])
>>> ivy.deg2rad(x, out=x)
>>> print(x)
ivy.array([[ 0.01919862,  0.03839725,  0.05759586],
       [-0.07679449, -0.09599311, -0.11519173]])
>>> x=ivy.native_array([-0,20.1,ivy.nan])
>>> y=ivy.zeros(3)
>>> ivy.deg2rad(x,out=y)
>>> print(y)
ivy.array([0., 0.35081118, nan])

With ivy.Container input:

>>> x=ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([-0,20.1,-50.5,-ivy.nan]),
...                 b=ivy.array([0,90.,180,270,360], dtype=ivy.float32))
>>> y=ivy.deg2rad(x)
>>> print(y)
    a: ivy.array([0., 0.35081118, -0.88139129, nan]),
    b: ivy.array([0., 1.57079633, 3.14159265, 4.71238898, 6.28318531])
>>> x=ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0,90,180,270,360], dtype=ivy.float32),
...                 b=ivy.native_array([0,-1.5,-50,ivy.nan]))
>>> y=ivy.deg2rad(x)
>>> print(y)
    a: ivy.array([0., 1.57079633, 3.14159265, 4.71238898, 6.28318531]),
    b: ivy.array([0., -0.02617994, -0.87266463, nan])
Array.deg2rad(self, *, out=None)[source]#

ivy.Array instance method variant of ivy.deg2rad. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.deg2rad also applies to this method with minimal changes.

  • self (Array) – input array. to be converted from degrees to radians.

  • out (Optional[Array], default: None) – optional output, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to.

Return type:



ret – an array containing the element-wise conversion from degrees to radians.


With ivy.Array input:

>>> x=ivy.array([90,180,270,360])
>>> y=x.deg2rad()
>>> print(y)
ivy.array([1.57, 3.14, 4.71, 6.28])
Container.deg2rad(self, *, key_chains=None, to_apply=True, prune_unapplied=False, map_sequences=False, out=None)[source]#

ivy.Container instance method variant of ivy.deg2rad. This method simply wraps the function, and so the docstring for ivy.deg2rad also applies to this method with minimal changes.

  • self (Container) – input container. to be converted from degrees to radians.

  • key_chains (Optional[Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], Container]], default: None) – The key-chains to apply or not apply the method to. Default is None.

  • to_apply (Union[bool, Container], default: True) – If True, the method will be applied to key_chains, otherwise key_chains will be skipped. Default is True.

  • prune_unapplied (Union[bool, Container], default: False) – Whether to prune key_chains for which the function was not applied. Default is False.

  • map_sequences (Union[bool, Container], default: False) – Whether to also map method to sequences (lists, tuples). Default is False.

  • out (Optional[Container], default: None) – optional output container, for writing the result to. It must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to.

Return type:



ret – a container with each element in x converted from degrees to radians.


With ivy.Container input:

>>> x=ivy.Container(a=ivy.array([0., 0.351, -0.881, ivy.nan]),
...                 b=ivy.native_array([0,-1.5,-50,ivy.nan]))
>>> y=x.deg2rad()
>>> print(y)
    a: ivy.array([0., 0.00613, -0.0154, nan]),
    b: ivy.array([0., -0.0262, -0.873, nan])