
ivy.vmap(func, in_axes=0, out_axes=0)[source]#

Vectorizing map. Creates a function which maps func over argument axes.

  • func (Callable) – Function to be mapped over additional axes.

  • in_axes (Union[int, Sequence[int], Sequence[None]], default: 0) – An integer, None, or (nested) standard Python container (tuple/list) thereof specifying which input array axes to map over.If each positional argument to fun is an array, then in_axes can be an integer, a None, or a tuple of integers and Nones with length equal to the number of positional arguments to fun. An integer or None indicates which array axis to map over for all arguments (with None indicating not to map any axis), and a tuple indicates which axis to map for each corresponding positional argument. Axis integers must be in the range [-ndim, ndim) for each array, where ndim is the number of dimensions (axes) of the corresponding input array.

  • out_axes (int, default: 0) – An integer indicating where the mapped axis should appear in the output.

Return type:



ret – Batched/vectorized version of func with arguments that correspond to those of func, but with extra array axes at positions indicated by in_axes, and a return value that corresponds to that of fun, but with extra array axes at positions indicated by out_axes.

This docstring is a summarised version of the docstring for vmap from JAX documentation.


With ivy.matmul() and ivy.Array input:

>>> x = ivy.array(ivy.arange(60).reshape((3, 5, 4)))
>>> y = ivy.array(ivy.arange(40).reshape((5, 4, 2)))
>>> z = ivy.vmap(ivy.matmul, (1, 0), 1)(x, y)
>>> z.shape
(3, 5, 2)